Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beer Review: New Belgium Abbey Belgian Style Ale

This beer is a Belgian dubbel which means it uses a double fermentation process for the yeast. My 2nd beer from New Belgium, a company from Colorado that, as you can guess, specializes in Belgian style ales.

Pours a dark amber color with a head varying in size (I've found) depending on how cold the beer is. My 2nd beer I let sit for a while and warm up and the result was a substantial head that is a dark cream color. The cloudy mahogany liquid looks very inviting.

Smells of grapes, malt and general sweetness. Not terribly complex in the nose but, like the color, very pleasing.

Lots of fruity taste upfront; mostly grape and raisin flavors. The strong malt presence in this beer shows through in every sip and there is some discernible hop character on the back end of the sip but no bitterness to speak of. Furthermore, even as the beer warms, there is no sign of the alcohol. Love the taste of this one.

Has the rich Belgian yeast feeling on your palate; perfect balance between flavorful boldness and refreshing lightness in my opinion.

Had a couple of 12oz bottles on this occasion and they both went down delectably. The 7% abv is nowhere to be found though you will feel it if you drink more than a couple.

At $8.99 + tax for a 6-pack, I think this is an incredible value. The fact that it is wonderfully flavorful and has a near-perfect body make this a beer I'm definitely going to buy again.

Score: A  4.5/5

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