Friday, October 29, 2010

Beer Review: Founders Red's Rye Pale Ale

The beer pours a dark amber color; almost red (I'm assuming this color can be attributed to the rye character of the beer. Minimal head and the little bit that does exist disappears quickly.

Smells of hops and more hops. A tinge of sweetness does enter the nose if you really hold it up to your nose.

The taste is an extremely interesting medley of flavors; first, big hop flavor assaults your taste buds. The beer is a lot like an IPA in that sense but then one notices a surprising sweetness; it's more of a candy sweetness than a fruity sweetness sometimes found in pale ales. The combination makes for a very enjoyable and full flavored drinking experience.

The beer has a decent body though it is more on the “refreshing” side. While not thin, the beer lacks the substantial backbone of the some of the meatier ales out there.

Echoing the sentiment above, the beer is very refreshing and easy to drink. At 6.6% it's not light by any means but easy to put back a couple because of the body and great taste.

A 6-pack of Red's Rye ran me $10.99 +tax so it's not a cheap beer but I'd say it's worth it. I was really impressed with it's unique taste!

Score: B+ 4.0/5

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