Monday, October 11, 2010

Beer Review: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid

This is a Double or Imperial India Pale Ale which basically means prepare for a bitter, hoppy delight.

The beer pours an orange/amber color with about an inch of head. Lots of bubbles rising to the top of the glass. The head persists for a while and when its just about done there's a nice creamy thin layer on top of the beer just holding in all that hop aroma.

Speaking of hop aroma... WOW this is a pungent beer! The floral, intense citrus flavors show through in a big way; a foreshadowing of what is to come in the ensuing sips.

The hop flavors hit you right off the bat with some pretty intense bitterness. Tastes a little like grapefruit and citrus rinds going down with a pretty significant malt taste in there too. Extremely flavorful, very bitter and so satisfying.

Quite an interesting mouthfeel; starts off crisp and refreshing until all the flavors assault your palate which gives the impression of a much heavier beer. The significant amount of hop oil definitely gives this beer a unique consistency.

Not highly drinkable, but at 8% abv I wouldn't expect it to be (although the alcohol is nowhere to be found). Pretty refreshing for a “big” beer and it certainly goes down easily.

The beer is only available in 22oz bottles and I bought it for $4.49 + tax. It's a great deal considering the taste, but I love bitter beers; others might not consider this such a tasty beer. In the end I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, especially those who are new to craft beer, but if you're adventurous and/or love bitter beers, this one comes highly recommended.

Score: A-  4.0/5

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