Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beer Review: Brooklyn Lager

This is an amber lager from Brooklyn brewing company.

An aggressive pour produces less than an inch of head but the nice clear amber color makes up for the lack of head. Lots of bubbles produce a steady layer of (minimal) head that persists.

Smells of creamy malts and lots of hops for an amber lager. Lots of floral notes in the nose.

First sip tastes sort of watery but the flavor is there; following the smell, there's some sweet malt taste upfront followed by a substantial bitterness on the back end. Kind of one dimensional hop flavor towards the back but pleasing nonetheless. The aftertaste is somewhat bitter, certainly lasting and makes it seem a bit fuller than it is.

As stated before, it seems watery at first but this feeling did not last and by the end of the glass I was of the opinion that this was a much bolder beer than I first thought. Crisp and smooth on the palate and moderate carbonation make this a great mouthfeel.

Very high drinkability typical of the style. Refreshing and flavorful at the same time; definitely a good combination.

Bought a 6-pack of this for $8.99 +tax which is a good deal for a refreshing, quality beer. At 5.2% abv, its a good beer to have while hang out with friends and kicking back a few.

Score: B  3.5/5

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