Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beer Review: North Coast Old Rasputin

This is a Russian Imperial Stout which is basically what it sounds like; a more intense version of a stout.

The beer pours a jet black liquid; impenetrable by light. The head is a nice coffee color, about an inch right up to the edge of my pint glass. The head retention is excellent and the lacing on the side of the glass leads down to a creamy top of the beer even when almost gone.

The aroma is a big mix of dark chocolate and malt upfront with some mild hoppy scents on the back end. Thick smell that sticks in your nostrils; very inviting.

Like the smell, there's lots of dark chocolate and roasted malt tastes that dominate here. Some hoppiness is detectable and there is a very faint kick of alcohol in the aftertaste. Overall not a bitter taste (in fact somewhat sweet) but there is some bitterness on the back end. Complex throughout; definitely tastes like a BIG beer.

Not too heavy on the palate for an Imperial Stout; consistency is less thick than oil but certainly thicker than a normal stout. Compliments the chocolate taste quite nicely.

Not highly drinkable; it too me around 15 minutes to finish a glass but those 15 minutes were delicious. At 9% alcohol, even more than one of these will affect you a little bit.

Paid $8.99 for a 4-pack so more expensive (per bottle) than many value beers but if you love bold, flavorful dark beers than this one is a must try.

Score: A-  4.0/5

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