Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Choosing Your Beer: Don't be a Slave to Prices

Its pretty easy to see that the primary reason people buy macro lagers (Bud, miller, Coors) is the price; they tend to be quite a bit cheaper than microbrews. This mentality is one akin to buying fast food; we as Americans have been condition to believe that "getting more for your dollar" means getting the most product you possibly can. The fatal flaw with this reasoning is that quantity comes at the expense of quality in any product and, at least in my opinion, quality factors just as much (or more) into value as quantity. Beer is no different. It is true that college students in particular are very budget conscious so maybe they can't afford a $10 bottle of beer every few days but my message applies very much to them as well. In choosing macromanufactured beer you are ignoring a key aspect of the food and beverage consumption process; enjoyment. I recognize that perhaps you are reading this and thinking "but I only drink beer to get drunk" and I'll just say that I'm not out to change college culture but why can't you have a great drinking experience in the process? In the end, the key is making the choice to drink something that it brewed with quality ingredients and will make for a delicious glass of beer over something that's $2 cheaper. At its core, it is a quality of life question. You want to live in a nice apartment or home in a safe, convenient area and you want to have a reliable computer that performs well so why lower your standards for the beer you drink?

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