Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Inception

Beer, one of the oldest beverages known to mankind has a rich history that unfortunately has been perverted and ultimately forgotten by American society. Our mass production culture has forced beer drinkers into a hole in which they are brainwashed to consume flavorless swill known as the American Adjunct Lager. You may know this beer better by the name Budweiser or Coors or Miller. Whatever the name, you have a right to know what these companies want to keep from you: there is better beer to be had. It's true! Lying just beyond the box of cold activated cans in your neigborhood package store is a 6 pack of a locally brewed German style lager, or an American Pale Ale or an Imperial Stout. If those terms or some of those terms mean nothing to you, check out this link to read up on the vast array of styles that are available. If you can't find something there that you absolutely love, then by all means; go back to your "vortex bottle" and be happy but if you are ready to delve into a new world filled with intriguing and complex flavors, please go out and buy a sixer of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale or Sam Adams Boston Lager and taste the difference for yourself!

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